Galerie virtuelle des projets
Fusion Jeunesse

Youth Fusion
Virtual Gallery



The Cinema program provides students with an opportunity to explore the world of cinema as well as all the components related to this industry’s structure. Students get to experience each step of a film production, namely scriptwriting, acting for the camera, handling film equipment, preparing and managing a movie set, seeing to the sound, costume and set design, etc. Not only do they develop critical thinking, they learn to leverage their creativity as they take on the entire creation of a short film.

Journalisme numérique
Digital Journalism

The Media Production program provides students with an opportunity to develop a greater awareness of the media world by exploring photography, video (feature stories, animated film and/or fiction film) and journalism. Students learn the proper handling of film equipment and digital cameras as well as image composition-related rules, scriptwriting, sound recording, reporting, interviewing, building sets, etc. Putting this range of techniques to good use, students will design and produce media artwork that will be showcased in an end-of-the-year event.

Jeu théâtral
Dramatic Arts

A program focused on fun, self-fulfilment, listening and self-confidence

This program, which covers the Montreal, Quebec City and Abitibi-Témiscamingue regions, enables students to explore the fields of theater and literature, with the aim of creating their own play. Young people begin the project by reading a children's book, which serves as the foundation for a theatrical production.

Science et Génie
Science & Engineering
Intelligence artificielle
Artificial Intelligence

Des projets intelligents pour améliorer le monde de demain !

La relève technologie se fait sentir au travers de ces multiples projets créatifs. Du concept original, à comment faire fonctionner leur l'IA, en passant par le design complet, les jeunes ont mis du cœur à l'ouvrage pour proposer des solutions à des problématiques contemporaine qui les touchent. Ce programme vise à initier les jeunes au monde des technologies émergentes en les amenant à proposer une solution d’Intelligence Artificielle répondant à un besoin de la société de demain. Cette proposition court le long de belles réflexions au travers desquelles les jeunes explorent les différentes formes d’IA pour en saisir sa force, et rechercher une application concrète qui se positionne face à l’enjeu de l’éthique. Finalement, les jeunes conceptualisent une entreprise ainsi que les éléments clefs pour la diffusion de leur projet : Un plan d’affaire ; Un prototype d’application interactif ; une démo de site internet ; Une courte vidéo promotionnelle. En réveillant leur sensibilité, iels se forment donc à être les de demain en participant à l'élaboration des meilleures propositions technologiques : celles qui sont les plus justes, viables et qui respectent le mieux le public cible et son environnement.

Science et Génie
Science & Engineering
Robotique – Ligue Lego FIRST – RIVALISE
Robotics – FIRST LEGO League – CHALLENGE


Friendly competition is the core value of Rivalise. Teams of young students from 9 to 14 years old get together to make some research, problem resolution, coding and robot engineering with LEGO® robots able to accomplish a vast variety of fun missions as part of the robot game. The annual theme challenge also requires for the team to dive in a research project in order to identify and solve a concrete issue observable in our world.

Science et Génie
Science & Engineering
Robotique – Ligue Lego FIRST – EXPLORE
Robotics – FIRST LEGO League – EXPLORE


For educational robotics, Youth Fusion is proud to partner with Robotique FIRST Québec in order to offer eligible schools support to participate in the FIRST LEGO League international programs. These programs allow the students to explore the world of science and technology through the use of LEGO WeDo 2.0 technology. The students will have the opportunity to explore a different theme each year; design and build a LEGO model containing at least one simple machine and one motorized element; create a poster to present their team and their research; participate in an exhibition to present and share their achievements.

Science et Génie
Science & Engineering
Création de jeux vidéo
Video Game Design

Around 375 games created in 2022-23!

Through all the stages of game creation (conception of ideas, prototyping, production and marketing), young people from primary and secondary schools in Canada and France were able to create impressive games. With the help of Ubisoft coordinators and mentors, students from all over the world were introduced to a wide range of artistic and musical creation concepts, as well as learning the basics of programming. Working in small teams, the students created some impressive projects!

Leadership et entrepreneuriat
Leadership & Entrepreneurship

This project aims to introduce young people to the field of entrepreneurship by making them live the daily reality of a company related to a field that fascinates them. Teens go through all the stages of starting a business in order to create added value within their school environment or community. Throughout the project, they develop knowledge applied to the field of entrepreneurship such as entrepreneurial vocabulary and the development of financial and promotional plans while learning to manage the daily life of a company.. Students often express the wish to create a first company and better understand its functioning and the profession of entrepreneur. Our project coordinators, most of whom are university students from management faculties, work with this entrepreneurial succession to help its members discover their strengths and talents and motivate them to continue their studies.

Design d’exposition
Exhibition Design

Dévoilement sous peu!

Unveiling soon!