Galerie virtuelle des projets
Fusion Jeunesse

Youth Fusion
Virtual Gallery



Students in the Cinema program have been working extremely hard to make a short film throughout the year. Get some popcorn ready and check out the films for the 2021-2022 year! Below are the two short film screenings from the Cinema Gala. To see the nominations for the Cinema Gala for Quebec and New-Brunswick, click here. To see the nominations for the Cinema Gala for Ontation, click here.

Journalisme numérique
Digital Journalism

After months of hard work, perseverance and creativity, we present you with the productions of the participating schools in Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario. In recognition of their excellent work, a jury has awarded one of the six mentions of the Media Production program to each of the projects.

Arts numériques
Digital Arts

Discover the beauty of the digital arts world!

This program explores a wide range of digital art practices such as graphic design, video, photography, audio, interactive installations, as well as immersive experiences, with the goal of creating collective artworks under a common theme.

Jeu théâtral
Dramatic Arts

Come see the works of our youth!

This program, which covers the Montreal, Quebec City and Abitibi-Témiscamingue regions, allows students to explore the fields of theater and literature, with the goal of creating their own play. The students begin the project by reading a children's book that will serve as the foundation for the development of a script.

Science et Génie
Science & Engineering
Intelligence artificielle
Artificial Intelligence

Technology to help society

"How can artificial intelligence benefit human beings?" This is the question asked to the young participants from our three partner schools, who challenged their students to discover to the world of artificial intelligence and computer technologies. Take the time to discover the 12 solutions created by the participants!

Science et Génie
Science & Engineering
Science et technologie
Science & Technology

Expérimentez. Répétez. Patientez. Apprenez.

For the first time, the Science and Technology programm has set up a cohort of scientific-artistic juries to evaluate the projects of young people who are as ambitious as they are creative. This program allowed young people to deepen their scientific knowledge through issues that concern them while taking into account the environmental and citizen issues related to their projects.

Science et Génie
Science & Engineering
Robotique – Ligue Lego FIRST – RIVALISE
Robotics – FIRST LEGO League – CHALLENGE


Friendly competition is the core value of Rivalise. Teams of young students from 9 to 14 years old get together to make some research, problem resolution, coding and robot engineering with LEGO® robots able to accomplish a vast variety of fun missions as part of the robot game. The annual theme challenge also requires for the team to dive in a research project in order to identify and solve a concrete issue observable in our world.

Science et Génie
Science & Engineering
Robotique – Ligue Lego FIRST – EXPLORE
Robotics – FIRST LEGO League – EXPLORE


For educational robotics, Youth Fusion is proud to partner with Robotique FIRST Québec in order to offer eligible schools support to participate in the FIRST LEGO League international programs. These programs allow the students to explore the world of science and technology through the use of LEGO WeDo 2.0 technology. The students will have the opportunity to explore a different theme each year; design and build a LEGO model containing at least one simple machine and one motorized element; create a poster to present their team and their research; participate in an exhibition to present and share their achievements.

Science et Génie
Science & Engineering
Création de jeux vidéo
Video Game Design

Discover the worlds of more than a hundred video games!

Enter the worlds created by our student participants aged between 10 and 21. The students worked 3 to 6 months on their project in an unusual school context, in which exceptional health measures were mixed with the regular student life. Through this pedagogical program, the students had a concrete experience in video game design. They invested time and talent in order to complete their video game. It is our great honor to finally unveil their creations, which are the results of their hard work during the year.

The program would not have been possible without the institutions and teachers who renewed their confidence in Youth Fusion across Canada (Québec and Ontario) and France, the support of our financial partners, and the investment of dozens of post-secondary students who took up the challenge of becoming a project coordinator and assisted year-long the student participants in the creation of their games.

Design de mode (en classe)
Fashion Design (in class)

The Fashion Design program introduces students to the world of fashion techniques and fashion itself. Through this program, they acquire notions in fashion illustration, cutting, tailoring, pattern making, molding and graphic design, in order to develop in group a collection of five outfits, accompanied by a Collection Book. The end of the project is highlighted by a fashion show in front of an audience or a fashion film.

Design d’exposition
Exhibition Design

Come and discover the extraordinary talent of the students!

The Exhibition Design program allows young people to become familiar with the museum field and all that surrounds the production of an exhibition. To do so, the youth are led to create works and showcase them in a local exhibition of which they are the designers.

Design environnemental
Environmental Design
Leadership et entrepreneuriat
Leadership & Entrepreneurship


Tout au long de l'année, les jeunes développent des connaissances appliquées au domaine de l’entrepreneuriat telles que le vocabulaire entrepreneurial et le développement de plans financier et promotionnel tout en apprenant à gérer le quotidien d’une entreprise. Jetez un coup d'oeil au résultat de leurs entreprises.